

  • CEO and ICT Project Manager
  • E-commerce consultant and evangelist
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Scientist
  • Web developer, analyst, and DBA
  • iPad/iPhone and other mobile device developer

Languages: Python, Javascript, PHP, Java, Swift, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, C, C++
RDBMS: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite
NOSQL DBMS: MongoDB, ElasticSearch, CouchBase, CouchDB, Cassandra
Markup languages: HTML5, XHTML, XML, CSS3, LESS, SASS
Frameworks client side: Angular, React, Vue.js, Jquery, Jquery Mobile
Frameworks server side: custom-made MVC frameworks, Node/Express, Lavarel, CakePHP, NodeJS, Express, Ruby On Rails
Operating systems: MacOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android


CEO & founder @ Inferendo

Company: Inferendo
Dates: jan 2020 – present
Where: Alessandria, Italy
CEO with responsibility for the full life of the company, from administration to marketing and production.
Business model & business plan development, fundraising activity with business angels and VC firms.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning, deep learning, and data science.

CEO & founder @ Madwebs

Company: Madwebs
Dates: mar 2002 – dec 2019
Where: Alessandria, Italy
CEO with responsibility for the full life of the company, from administration to marketing and production.
Consultant for e-commerce projects and technology evangelist.
Project manager of 4 people internal team and various external stakeholders like business partners and customers.
E-commerce software, CMS, CRM, ERP web and mobile developer.

Teacher Università del Piemonte Orientale – Facoltà di Informatica

Company: Università del Piemonte Orientale – Facoltà di Informatica
Dates: gen 2013 – jun 2013
Where: Alessandria, Italy
Teacher of “Mobile development – Develop smartphone and tablet apps” conferences series

Web Developer Portali Spa

Company: Portali Spa
Dates: jan 2001 – mar 2002
Where: Alessandria, Italy
PHP MySQL developer for various national portals

SW Engeneer Sirti S.p.A.

Company: Sirti S.p.A.
Dates: jan 2000 – dec 2000
Where: Milan, Italy
C – C++ developer of CAD software designed to project and draw telephonic centers

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